Married and Swingers lifestyle, possible?

spouse swapping

The effect of this lifestyle on marriage depends on the quality of marriage before joining.

Stable and solid warm marriages will bring great pleasure ...

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swinging for beginners

How to get started with a couple swap

Many couples in long relationships over time feel the need for diversity and refreshment in bed life. When the relationship is good, with a solid and solid foundation, the possibilities for diversity are many.

The emphasis on the nature of the relationship is to distinguish between couples who seek the thrill outside the home and those who can try to find common solutions within the marriage framework.

Couples are usually looking for excitement at first through the use of new sex toys, watching erotic movies together, etc. At a more advanced stage, if the thrill is still lacking, one can begin to think of bolder options such as bringing in more bed partners or exchanging couples.

The decision to go for a pair of exchanges is not straightforward and is only appropriate in cases where it is a good, strong, and stable relationship as it is a particularly powerful experience that can be an opening to undermine sexual contact. It is important that this is a decision that both parties want 100 percent and not as a result of one-party pressure. Openness and sincerity are key to the swinging lifestyle.

Lets begin
After both couples decide that they want to experiment with a couple exchange, there are some important things they need to know:

1) Where to meet other swingers- The best way to find partners is through a networking exchange website. On this site you can find a large pool of couples and individuals who are interested in swapping couples. These are discreet sites that can be found by partners according to the important criteria for everyone, have conversations, catch up on new events and parties, and of course get to know and set up meetings.

2) How to Adjust Expectations - As the decision to exchange spouses should be shared by both spouses, so does the decision on how they will proceed. Every couple has to decide how to behave. Do they cling to each other or can each also experience individually, what are the acceptable boundaries in terms of the relationship, what the agreed signs will be used to signal their feelings, etc. It is very important to be uniform and reach consensus before any boundaries that are subsequently regretted are breached.

3) Safe relationships- Couples exchange requires safe sex. Both woman and man should be aware and protect themselves from dangers. Using a condom is the safest way to protect against various illnesses and complications. The swingers community is also very strict about safe sex and that is one of its basic rules.

4) Permanent Attention- Even when the couple exchange experience is good and successful for both parties, it is important to stop occasionally and examine the situation. See that the delicate expectations and restrictions are appropriate, that the marital relationship is not damaged and that there is no excessive drift. It's the better way to maintain a good relationship when you embrace the life of the swingers.

Swingers lifestyle - 4 things to consider

couple swapping meaning The moment has come. You decided to take the next step and go on a first date with a couple of swingers you met
on the site to explore the possibility of a couples exchange...
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How to say NO to an offer

spouse swapping

“My husband and I were participating in a swingers party. We found our self with a small group of couples that we met for the first time.

Unfortunately, we didn’t like any of the participants. Suddenly a man approached me asking me to join him...

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